Toddlers, Teens and Inbetweens
Andrew and Louise Cherrie introduce their new series
Andrew and Louise, tell us a little bit about yourselves and your family?
We met in church. I was the pastor’s daughter and Andrew was a kid who walked in off the street. It was an unlikely match that turned into seven years of dating — and now 23 years of marriage and five beautiful children!
Tell us a little about your children.
We have one girl and four boys, so life is busy and sometimes very loud in our house! Olivia is 21, Max is 18, Zak is 13, Jackson is 12, and Will is 7.
Andrew, what inspired you to start a TV show on parenting?
As parents of five we’re often asked how we do it. The standard question is: “How do you handle five kids? I can barely manage with two!” – or however many they have. While we’re definitely not experts, we felt that we do have lots of experience to share so why not share it? We feel passionate about resourcing and encouraging parents on their journey, especially from the perspective of faith being our foundation.
Louise, what should we expect from the episodes?
The format is very relaxed and down to earth. We really wanted it to be a genuine and current conversation. We have our two eldest children with us, giving their honest opinions, along with some really interesting guests.
Andrew, what do you hope viewers will take away from the series?
We really want to give some encouragement to any parents watching, as well as offer some answers around many of the issues facing families today. We want parents to know they’re not alone. Also, we want to encourage families who are watching to open up and talk about stuff together.
Louise, if you could give one piece of advice to the parents reading this, what would that be?
Don’t be so hard on yourself! Most of the time we’re our own worst critics. I’m pretty sure you’re doing better than you think you are! Parenting isn’t a destination you reach one day. It’s an ever-changing learning journey to be enjoyed.
Toddlers, Teens and Inbetweens airs on Tue at 8:30pm, and repeats Wed at 10:05am, Fri at 3:30pm, and Sat at 11:30am.
NEW PROGRAMMESThu at 7pm, repeated Fri at 10:05am, and Sat at 10:30pm.
Emma and Justyn are back for new episodes of The Recovery Course, following the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, and putting Christ at the heart of recovery. This series features interviews with people who have gone through the course and have amazing testimonies to share.
Mon at 7:30pm, repeated Tue at 9am, and Sundays at 6pm.
Dr Dipo looks at the four mandates for life. When we feel we can’t continue and think things are all over for us, scripture can encourage us to stay on course and not quit. This series will help you to move from failure to success, and accomplish your purpose in life.
Wed at 8pm, repeated Fri at 2:30pm, Sun at 9:30pm, and Tue at 11:30pm.
Pastor Abbiih Oloyede inspires women to be balanced in their spiritual, emotional, relational and financial lives. Her messages are prophetically insightful, practical and down to earth. This mini-series will equip and enable believers to achieve purpose.
Mon at 7pm, repeated Tue at 8:30am and on Instagram.
Cynthia Garrett hosts a new season of
The Sessions, filmed at her home in California with Christina Reynolds leading worship in Kansas City, and featuring special guests discussing topics of importance to viewers.
This Month’s Theme Is Gratitude
On our online and social media platforms this month, we look at what the Bible says about giving thanks to God for all He has done for us, all the prayers He has answered, and all the times He has protected us. Above all, we cannot thank Jesus enough for dying on the cross to set us free from death, sin, and shame.
We use the acrostic ‘G.R.A.T.I.T.U.D.E’ to help us express what is in our hearts:
G – Grateful praise to God
‘Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp.’
Psalm 147:7 (all scripture is in the New International Version of the Bible)
R – Reverence for the King of kings
‘But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you.’
Psalm 130:4
A – Actions can speak louder than words
‘If you really change your ways and your actions and deal with each other justly.’ Jeremiah 7:5
T – Thanking Him
‘I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High.’ Psalm 7:17
I – Inheritance of the saints
‘And giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.’ Colossians 1:12
T – Telling others about Him
‘But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.’ Psalm 73:28
U – Understanding what He has done for us
‘The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.’
Psalm 119:130
D – Devoting our lives to God
‘… This is what the Lord says: “‘I remember the devotion of your youth, how as a bride you loved me and followed me through the wilderness…’ Jeremiah 2:2
E – Exalting His holy name
‘The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be my God, the Rock, my Saviour!’
2 Samuel 22:47
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BEHIND THE SCENESHere’s a quick look behind the scenes as Daniel and Tanya Chand, founders of Walking Like Jesus Ministries, made their new TBN UK series.
We installed an exciting new LED set with dynamic visuals as Daniel spoke on our call to evangelism and Tanya shared powerful testimonies.
Stay tuned to watch the show!
PARTNERSHIPBecause of you we’re reaching families across the UK
God loves families, and here at TBN UK we’re committed to producing and airing quality Christian programming for every family member. Thank you for joining us in this crucial Kingdom outreach. Your prayer and financial partnership is helping us take the hope and healing of Jesus to hearts and homes throughout the UK 24 hours every day.
Every time I watch Pastor Joshua and his ‘Joy’ message, his truth and sincerity automatically make me smile from ear to ear and I shout thanks and blessings at the TV when his message finishes each time! He has replaced my evening alcoholic drink once and for all.
– Roger, TBN UK viewer
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